A Claims Adjuster’s Guide For Hurricane Preparedness

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In today’s article we look at some essential hurricane preparedness tips for claims adjusters when the deployment season arrives.

It’s 2020 and the entire world is battling a massive pandemic since the beginning of this year. And now the hurricane season is upon us and is in full swing. According to sources this year’s Atlantic hurricane season is not looking too good for anyone and coronavirus is present to always complicate things. With the likeliness of Marco and Laura making back-to-back landfalls in the mainland United States, a huge number of CAT adjusters from around the country will soon be deployed to the affected zones in order to inspect damaged properties and start handling claims.

Each year, the onset of the Atlantic hurricane season brings in thousands of claims worth millions of dollars of damages and inspecting these claims becomes the main source of revenue for a lot of adjusters. In order to close claims efficiently and maintain a steady pace, there are certain hurricane preparedness steps that claims adjusters can take to make sure that they get the most out of working during the CAT season. Let’s have a look:

Staying informed

The most crucial aspect of working CAT claims is always staying up to date with the latest developments that the hurricane season brings. A good way to stay updated is to frequently listen to NOAA weather radio or local stations in around the places you’re visiting due to claims assignments. Staying updated about the weather patterns and staying on top of all the developments will always help claims adjusters prioritize claims that require immediate attention while also enabling them to maintain a steady workflow.

Assessing your vehicle

CAT deployment requires adjusters to spend countless hours driving cross-country for various kinds of CAT claims. In order to inspect each and every claim assigned to them, it’s important to have a vehicle that makes it easier to travel to different locations and having a sturdy vehicle that can handle the tough weather is another step towards hurricane preparedness.

If you already own a vehicle, making sure that all its components are working and are in a good shape is a crucial step towards hurricane preapredness for claims adjusters.

Packing the right equipment

A measuring tape, chalk, laser measures, mobile ladders… and the list goes on.. These are some of the most important tools that CAT adjusters require during their deployment. The most crucial aspect of CAT deployment for adjusters often turns out to be packing the right tools for the assignments. Having the right set of tools and carrying them with you is a great measure. Some rookie adjusters make the mistake of assuming that they'd be able to arrange the equipment at the loss site.

However, don’t make that mistake and always carry all the right tools required for a CAT deployment. We’ve compiled a list of some of the most important tools for claims adjusters:

  1. Wire cutter
  2. Chalk
  3. Telescoping ladder
  4. Measuring tape
  5. Roofing shoes (preferably cougar paws)
  6. Extra pair of clothes.
  7. Properly insulated clothes for high altitude zones.

These tools will prove to be extremely helpful during CAT inspections and will make your job easier despite the challenges that a CAT deployment will throw at you.

Hard cash for expenses:

Often, in zones affected by a hurricane, electronic services tend to shut down and therefore it is necessary to bring cash with you for any expenses that will occur during your deployment. This will help you in tough times during your CAT deployment and make sure that you get the help you need to finish your inspections.

These are some of the best hurricane preparedness tips for claims adjusters who are about to be deployed due to CAT. We hope that these tips will help adjusters stay safe and work efficiently in their deployments.