Tips To Manage Multiple Rosters Effectively As An Adjuster

Being an independent adjuster means handling multiple claims in a day from different IA firms that you work with. During the CAT season, the number of claims you receive goes higher than ever. As an individual, this can prove to be quite challenging and if you are someone who is not good with time management and being efficient, pretty soon, it will become extremely difficult to handle the multiple rosters you are a part of.

Know Your Worth:

As an experienced adjuster, you need to prioritize those IA firms that realize your value. While being on multiple rosters will surely let you seize multiple opportunities, not every opportunity would be worth investing your time and resources. Therefore, it is essential that you categorize the IA firms based on how much benefit you receive from them. For instance, if you specialize in property adjusting and your roster includes firms that offer auto and medical claims, you need to be firm in letting them know that you are already committed to other opportunities.

Scheduling Inspections:

When you are handling multiple claims from different firms, it is possible to have clashes between two different assignments. Therefore, what is important is to schedule your inspections in such a way that assignments from multiple IA firms do not clash and complicate your claims inspection process. One way to solve this problem is to use tools that help you schedule your claims. A great tool like JustEZ helps you schedule your inspection assignments irrespective of which carrier you receive them from. It also picks up the addresses of the claimants and creates a route for you so that you can save time while being on the road.

Therefore, prioritizing the IA firms you want to work with and scheduling your inspection assignments in a manner that will allow you to move around efficiently will enable you to manage your multiple rosters in a very effective manner.